Nel Brooks Artist
Photo of Nel Brooks, Artist
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Patrick (Paddy) Callaghan

Portrait picture of Veteran Patrick Callaghan

Royal Navy

Patrick was an able seaman aboard HMS Queen Elizabeth during the war. Amongst other stories, Paddy told us of an occasion in the Far East when he and his shipmates decided to go on a Tiger hunt ~ sadly (or fortunately) they couldn't find any!

Patrick also told us of his duties on board ship. He was assigned to one of the large 15" guns. Apparently they would get a dud cartridge and it was his job to grab hold of it and run gingerly to the edge of the ship and toss the live shell overboard!!

After the war, Paddy had a long and happy marriage and told us how he met his wife during the war. His shipmates would get leave and go home but it was too far for Paddy to make it back home to Ireland. A fellow mate invited him back to Guildford and they went out to a dance, where he met his future bride-to-be!

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